October 03, 2007

Tribute to T

A "tantalizing" composition in "T".
Written by the "terrifically talented" Pranay Mehra. Here's "Toasting Thirteen" :)


Tuesday the Tenth, Two Thousand Three, Ten Twenty Two:

Teething tot Tiffany Thomas Taylor thought to try three things: tasting tangy tomatoes, teasing tiny tarantulas, then traveling to the tropical Tanzanian timberland to talk to the tall trees.

The tot threw the tomatoes then tried to taste the tarantulas. Though Tiffany's two tender thumbs trapped the three tiny tarantulas, the treacherous things teased the tot till teething tiny's terrible temper triggered the twisted tactic. Timid Tiffany transformed to Terrifying Tiffany. The tot tittered, took the tiniest tarantula, twisted the tibia till the truncated tentacle tumbled three times, then threw the target towards the two trembling terrestrials. Tiffany, triumphant, then takes the three tomatoes. The tomatoes thankfully tasted terrific.

Tiny Tiffany's tricks-to-torture-three-tarantulas tale traveled to the tropical Tanzanian timberland, terrifying the terrestrials, turning them topsy-turvy. Tiffany, too, told these tales till tiny tiffany turned thirty two.

Tuesday the tenth, Two Thousand Thirty Three (twilight)
Three tarantulas tiptoe thru Taylor's terrace. Trashy Taylor tipples the third teacup. Thoughts to try three things tease the toasted thirty three's think-tank…

Trivia: (Terrific!)
Word count: 181 words, all starting with T
Avg length of T word = 6 characters

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