October 06, 2006

Me Need A Drink.

How cool for students of Emory University that Salman Rushdie is joining their faculty for the next five years. Wow imagine having him as your English teacher? Sweet!

Is it just me or is every single website I use in Beta mode? It's driving me crazy! I mean I want to switch to Beta in the spirit of being a web early adopter and all but frankly there are so many bugs (as I have been encountering here at blogger) that it's a bit of a risk. Once you go Beta you can't go back.
Isn't that mean? They tempt you to experiment with them and their new tricks and tools but there is no way back to the old version.

Everywhere I turn I am being forced to make a committment. Damn it.

I think I've said this before but I essentially go through phases of major news abosrption and then major news ignorance. Everytime I come out of the ignorance phase as a result of ultimately feeling guiltily clueless, I want to run back into my sheltered news ignorant world. Why?

Because I don't want to hear that sweet little Amish buggy children are being shot (why does the media insist on repeating the words 'execution style'?) and other angels are being abused by asshole politicians and clergymen (can someone explain to me why castration hasn't been instituted as a federal punishment yet?) It's all so terribly sad and depressing. And yes Google is buying Youtube...Google is buying everything people. I refuse to bat an eyelid at any more Apple and Google related business news. GoogApple is here to rule the world one nano search at a time. Got it?

Now that we have that settled and out of the way...

Happy Weekend! I need to go find another Miss Sunshine-esque movie and get me some 80's dance moves...

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