August 10, 2006

Trouble in the Air.

Isn't it so weird that I wrote about an airline yesterday? I never write about airlines. Today three other airlines were in the news for far worse reasons than bankrupcy and reorganization issues. Continental, American and United, all targets of yet another foiled terror plot. Now there's a subject I do write about. Unfortunately.

I promised to not blog on a depressing topic today but this one's a biggie. Sorry. I have responsibilities.

10 whole planes! But why over the Atlantic ocean? They are suspecting Al Queda but I dont feel bombing mid-air over water is their style. As I've noted on previous foiled terror attack related postings, here on Nothing About Much, this just isn't scary enough for AQ. Plain and simple. Ok 10 is pretty scary but I'm not buying the ocean backdrop. There's a lot of 'declining to comment' and withholding of information going on right now (a nice way of putting "we don't have our shit together") so who knows at what point they were planning to 'detonate' (why do I even know that word)?

And of course just within the last 12 hours, I finally booked my ticket to India on British Airways. Lovely. Good choice Nams.

Anyway, imagine these poor people stuck at airports just trying to get home. All liquids are banned so make sure to hydrate well before you get on board because we all know that service can take oh say about 4 and a half hours. And making mommies taste the milk in their babies milk bottles as well as taste baby food? Fun stuff all around.

What happened to the time when bombs were just bombs? You know, scary looking round things or missile-ish looking objects. Why are ordinary objects being turned into objects of destruction. Only fun when Mr. 007 Bond turned an ordinary pen into some destroying weapon. Not so fun in the real world because you can't trust anything then. Every backpack is suspicious, an iPod could blow up hundreds of people, a can of Coke becomes a weapon of "mass murder"? Sorry lets make that a can of Pepsi ?

So today they aren't allowing passengers to take on any hand baggage on the planes, definitely no liquids and gels (Jersey boys take note, this is clearly not a time to travel) and we already have the whole 'take off your jackets, sweaters and shoes please'. Why doesn't someone just start a nudist airline? Move over Hooters Air. This will be the safest airline to fly and with low security operating costs. I know. Inconvenience is the least of our problems right now.

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