July 13, 2006

More Mumbai News.

Please do read all the comments that have been coming in...it's always great to hear your thoughts.

Thank you all for asking about family and friends back home. Everyone is well.

One friend of ours was lucky, he hadn't taken his car to work that day and was supposed to be on one of the trains at 6:45 p.m. in the first class compartment...luckily he missed the train.
People are talking about how the cops weren't anywhere to be seen that day and how it was absolute mayhem and chaos, people running about wildly, trying to reach home, stopping buses, cars, rickshaws, anything, trying to reach loved ones with all the cellphone networks jammed (why does that always happen??)
Our friend told us any $%&@# thing could have tipped violence that day.
In truth, people were in shock and scared to the bone already...all they cared about was getting home to their loved ones in one piece.

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