August 28, 2006

Hold the Elevator!

I feel like this was at least the fourth rainy weekend this summer. Given that summer is only about 12 weekends, that is clearly not nice.

Speaking of not nice. Why do people in elevators not press the 'open door' button when they see someone frantically dashing towards the door? How many times have you run in a frenzy to make the elevator and watched that one person standing by the door right next to the elevator button control panel thingy, look at you, watching your every moment of frenziness, that glimmer of hope in your eye and yet they just stare blankly at you with no movement of the finger towards 'open door'.

Is it that they don't know this button exists? Are they experiencing a sadistic level of 'too late sister' joy that only closing elevator doors can induce, or are people just slow and spacey? What is sooo important up there or down there that they couldn't wait one more nano second for you to hop on?

Have you noticed how some people even feign concern and pretend like they are doing something to take you in on their elevator journey but the doors still slam shut. Oh please! So fake. These people are even worse than the ones who don't try at all. These ones knead your hope in their bare hands like playdough.

I don't get it. In fact, I take it very personally. So many faces and half faces of people are etched in my memory forever. People who could have let me in just by pressing a button, just by having a quick reflex action, just by caring.
Call them elevator snobs, elevator slackers or elevator sadists...I'm not a fan.

I am a responsible elevator rider and if I do happen to stand near the control panel, I make sure to always be alert and look out for folks trying to dash in. My finger hovers precariously close to the open door button and I am always ready for action and reaction. Standing near the elevator controls, close to the door, in view of potential dashers-in, is a position of great responsibility. If you can't handle the pressure then do me a favor and stand at the back of the elevator where you won't be seen and little is expected of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What i do is immediately press the "close door" button when i enter the elevator....specially if i can see someone i know approaching. Hey it beats making idle small talk with someone you barely know or staring at the elevator door in uncomfortable silence!