October 01, 2007

Incredible or not.

I was just looking up the Incredible India event on Google to find some photographs (for personal reasons...there is this Ritu Kumar kurta I saw at Sunday's fashion show and kind of want..) anyway why is it so impossible to get coverage on this event? They did such a fab job with the outdoor advertising in New York but no one really knew what the event was-who was coming, what the program was, what the big deal was. It was all so amateurishly vague. Except the show was far from amateur. It was quite decent really. They may have wanted to tell people more about the actual event. Thats all.
Anyway what I did find were some hilarious comments. Read on:

Incredible foolishness!!!!!!!!
by (some dude..have deleted his name) on Sep 26, 2007 09:45 PM
"India is truly incredible. Which other country will showcase itself in New York, while ignoring the water, power and urban mess back home. In the name of promotion, this is just a free junket for our political class. They are showcasing the Taj Mahal in New York, while a visit to the real Taj in Agra remains a nightmare!!!!! Is anyone listening?"

No dude. No one is listening.

Response to comment above (from another dude):
"Oh yes India is incredible we have 330 Million gods in India, 1 each for 3 persons, forget the shortage of basic necessities, who needs them anyway when we have god per 3 persons in India, then Indians will definitely get to heavens!!!"

"wow. what are you smoking?"

more comments:

"Indian government have you taken the permission from Left and communist parties for Incredible India@NYC show.
Yechury , Karat and party where are you why no objection and agitation."

excuse me?

"if they showcase bollywood movies which are straight lifts of hollywood hits in US, they will think that the whole of India are third rates. no bollywood please. we are rich in music, art and culture. we do not need Bollywod here which doesn't show real India anyway."


I think the last comment is interesting because while watching some of the shows I was thinking to myself..hmmm a Bollywood dance would have been more interesting than this lovely but drab folksy number. Drab only because without the nuances of the language and someone explaining the damn storyline, folk dances don't make for much eye candy. And as an Indian if I don't get it...then pray tell..who will? Let's face it. Bollywood is fun. is racy. is exciting. Is very India. Why shy away?

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