August 16, 2006

Not My Mascara!

So what is the deal with the whole taking off your shoes at the airport security situation? Yesterday, Associated Press released a piece highlighting that airport security X-ray machines can't detect explosives in shoes. Are you telling me I struggle time and again to take off and put on my shoes, marching around barefoot while someone is semi-feeling me up...and the whole thing is a sham? And this news comes out just after the TSA (Transport Security Administration) makes it mandatory to take off your shoes at security. All this while feet/holey-sock baring was merely 'suggested'? I feel used.

Listen, suggested or mandatory the damn machine doesn't work so spare us all the added trauma will you? Besides explosives in shoes is so passe.

As you all know liquids are now banned on airlines. But mascara? As quoted on Stewart's Daily show the other day 'at what level of viscosity should we draw the line? Lotion? Yogurt?'
But please. Mascara?? Isn't there like 0.007 ml of liquid in there?
Oh but hurray-you can take those tweezers and nail clippers back on board now because someone finally realized you can't bomb a plane with a pair of tweezers or for that matter do much more than poke your annoying neighbor's eye out for continuously picking his nose or putting his elbow on your arm-rest. Ooh what fun to tweeze away at arm-hair, one follicle at a time! Sorry I crossed the line.

It seems that the TSA and whichever other security groups have a sort of knee-jerk reaction system going on. I wonder if they are thinking of what the next bomb-carrying device is after shoes and liquids, while they are so busy screening shoes and banning liquids.
I highly doubt it. Or maybe that's how they came up with mascara. Eye roll.

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