August 05, 2006

Malawi Gets Madonna.

Malawi is one of the lesser known countries in Africa. The life expectancy there is as low as 36.5 years. 103 children in a 1000 die...and there are over a million orphans, 70% of whom are orphaned because their parents died of AIDS. Malawi is yet another African country forgotten and unloved by the world.
Until a celebrity comes along.
First Bono then Jolie and now Madonna.
Why are only celebrities bringing attention to the humanitarian crisis in Africa?
Well thank god for them at least. Our world leaders are too busy fighting over oil.

Madonna, whom as you all know I love and adore, has announced that she is taking on some of Malawi's problems. Focusing on helping the orphans there, she has committed to raising over 3 million dollars and is also funding a documentary that will highlight the plight of the kids in Malawi. She has also met Clinton to discuss this issue and is partnering with several aid organizations.
If you were at her recent concert, you would know that she showed many an image of orphaned African children to raise awareness of their situation. This is a cause close to her heart, and with Madonna, when something is close to the heart, she goes all the way. God bless her.

For all the bullshit celebrity news we are inundated with (one more irreverant Paris Hilton headline and aaaaargh!) it's important to acknowledge the good use the few good ones put their money and power to. And while you and I have the ability to care and educate ourselves so we can all do our little bit to make this world a better place (you should be hearing 'Heal the World' in your head at this point), there are some people who can really make a difference and truly have an impact. 100,000 of us is one of them.

Don't get me wrong-there are hundreds of people who have gone to Africa and are doing everything they can to help the people of Africa, sans celebrity status and hundred dollar bills. These are the admirable people who work with their hands day after day, sacrificing personal comforts and living thousands of miles away from their own families to help others.

But look at Madonna. Hasn't even been to Africa yet! Sitting in her multi-million dollar apartment on her multi-thousand dollar couch she has brought attention to an entire African country! The only thing I can do on my couch is change TV channels!Fame put to fab use. Not so material girl now is she?

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